Friday, March 29, 2013

Winter, Winter Everywhere...Sailing Soon

The winter seems to be dragging on well into spring this year. Here on Cape Breton Island the float ice has been coming and going in the Lennox Passage and our anchorage is still covered in enough ice to drive a large car on. Ice flows are still pouring out of the Cabot Strait and floating on off shore from us. Easy Go is resting in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.


The winter had not been all about shore based life however. I have looked at and implemented some new systems for Easy Go. With an engine producing electricity we are able to slide down the slippery slope and put some electronics aboard. In addition to the new AIS and Radio I'll be taking a laptop computer with charts and a USB GPS aboard. The SPOT Satellite Communications Device will allow me to communicate important location information and emergency messages (hope I don't need this feature) to family and friends. After all the years of independent sailing this is quite a change mentally. 

Having purchased Pilots, Cruising Guides and the latest Jimmy Cornell Ocean Atlas I have lots of dreams ahead to fulfill. This years plans include heading back to Newfoundland and on towards Greenland if the weather and wind gods are willing.

This winter has been the longest ashore in many years. That will be ending in the near future as I head back to Lunenburg to launch Easy Go and head out on the ocean again.

To see what we've been up to over the winter visit our other blog at Building Bodega....An Experiment In Off Grid and Sustainable Living

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