Saturday, April 24, 2010

OpenCPN Navigation software

This software is open source software, available free. Our testing of this software has shown it to be comparable to many commercial versions. 

Here is a download link to OpenCPN.


  1. Bob, thanks for the info posted. I was looking for software to use and came across your blog. I cannot find the navigation charts on the web site you referenced. I'm not sure if I am overlooking this information...thanks

  2. I checked the site where the software was available and it appears to have been removed. I have removed the link from the blog as well. Opencpn has some good recommendations for chart sources depending on where one is cruising.

  3. ok thanks Bob & Kathy. I finished reading your other posts the other day and was pleasantly surprised to learn of your connection to London and Port Stanley. We live in London and just purchased our first sailboat (a G26) and will be sailing out of the Port!

    We must be following in your foot steps!

  4. London is a nice place. We have family there. We once had a Grampian 26 (Hull 108) and sailed it extensively on the Great Lakes, Caribbean and Atlantic. Made a passage from the Bahamas to New York in it. Surprisingly sturdy boat. Say hello to Dave and Jerry in Port Stanley at the marina, if they are still around.

  5. I'm impressed and envious of your sailing experiences. How long have you been sailing? As previously mentioned, the G26 is our first sailboat. Completed the CPS corse this winter and now look forward to our saling adventures this Summer.

    Where are you now? Are you still in Nova Scotia?
